Friday, December 12, 2008

Facebook Virus Spreading

The name of the virus is "Koobface". It is a Trojan that's been running through Facebook like a California wildfire. To most of us this Trojan is known as "the Facebook virus" since the Trojan only seemed to be resident on Facebook. Unfortunately that containment has now lapsed.

Koobface is now showing up on MySpace, Bebo, Friendster, MyYearbook and even BlackPlanet.Once a users PC is infected with Koobface it spams the users friends with comments on their profiles. Those comments appear to come from the infected user directly. Comments saying things like "Are you sure this is your first acting experience?", "is it u there?", "impressive. i'm sure it's you on this video", "How can anyone get so busted by a spy camera?" and "You're the whole show! i'm admired with you."

Each of the spammed comments are designed to appeal to people's vanity. They question "is that really a video of me?" and out of human nature they click through on the link provided in the spam comment.

The link actually takes them to an off-site page which pretends to offer a video download from "YuoTube," yes the old miss spelling ploy, since it has the same letters most people wont even notice until it is too late. The page then stalls saying that you need a new version of Adobe's Flash Player installed in order to continue.

Of course, if you click the button to proceed with the install, you're infected. Infected users are then directed to even more contaminated web sites when they try to use search engines, which puts them at risk of identity theft, among other things. "Search terms are directed to," according to a McAfee spokesman it also"enables ad hijacking and click fraud."